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Studying Abroad FAQs

Studying Abroad FAQs


Here are the answers to your most frequently asked questions!

Your are on this page means you are confused with your options to study abroad. Don’t Worry! We understand this is a big step and you would want to satisfy all your queries before you take the plunge. So, don’t worry, our international education specialists have collated a list of questions that students like you raise when considering moving abroad for further studies. Hope these help!

Now as You have made up your mind, the process is very easy, just Book A Free Consultation. Our expert counsellors will Explain You the entire process and guide you through the entire journey.

To begin studying as an international student, there are a range of entry requirements you may have to meet.

The academic requirements (including evidence of English language skills) you need to study abroad will vary depending on the level of education you want to pursue. For instance, some courses will require you to have done a foundation course before applying for a degree. All universities and schools can have different entry requirements, so read the course information on their respective websites very carefully.

Your Global Flamingos counsellor will help you assess your eligibility for different programs and guide you on the courses and locations that best meet your preferences.

We recommend you to start as early as possible. This will give you enough time to ponder upon your interests and research according to your personal and academic goals and aspirations. Location, course duration, costs, accommodation, and living conditions are some of the other aspects that you need to figure out along with your program. Start planning at least one year or intake in advance. Of course, we are here to help you throughout the entire process.

We recommend you begin your application process at least a year in advance to give enough time for your applications to be processed and to prepare for your time overseas. Remember, the academic year begins at different times of the year in different countries.

Working while you study can complement your educational and living experience when studying abroad. If you pursue a course at a degree level or above you may be permitted to work while on an international student visa. But before you undertake any paid work, make sure that your visa permits it. The opportunity for students to work part-time during their studies varies from country to country.

Many universities have a dedicated job centre on campus for students that advertises job opportunities and internships to help students develop various skills. The university careers service is also a useful source of information.

The skills and qualifications employers and professional registration bodies require will vary from country to country. If, for example, you are working towards a career with strict entry requirements such as medicine, engineering, accounting or teaching, conduct some research with the relevant registration bodies in India for advice.

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If you are planning to study abroad, you should definitely do it, because it opens you up to new opportunities, new people, and also let’s you experience other cultures. Studying abroad also makes it easy for you to travel internationally without much problems from immigration.

Study abroad scholarships can be found in many places. Your first port of call will be the website of your chosen university, where you’ll find information on available scholarships. Sometimes the university will also list external scholarships, such as those offered by the government or business partners of the school. If not, you should research governmental schemes in your home country and your country of study, as well as funding offered by external organizations relating to your field of study (e.g. an engineering firm might offer a scholarship for engineering students).

While countries like India have restrictions about students working while studying, other countries like CanadaUK, and USA allow international students to combine work with studies. However, students can only work for a directed number of hours so that it doesn’t affect their studies. Before you apply to any country, check that international students can work there.

While having an IELTS or TOEFL result is a necessity for Studying Abroad in various countries, must countries can wave these things if you studied in a country where you were solely taught in English language, or previously completed a study in a major English speaking  country like Canada, UK, or USA.  Check with the school’s admission requirements to be sure you don’t need these things.

Yes you can. If you have all your other documents and meet all the requirements, the school may give you a conditional offer letter and once you submit the IELTS or TOEFL you can receive an unconditional offer letter.

Yes you can. There is no limit to the number of times you can study abroad as an international student. As long as you have the required documents, you can keep studying abroad.

Yes. Although most universities have a required grade for international students, students with low grades can still study in them. However you may be required by the university to do something to make it up. Book A  Free Consultation With Our Counsellors To figure out something.

Yes, Although application for a course is free and for others, a small amount is charged for your application to be processed.

If you are not ready to pay all your college fees immediately, depending on the college you want to attend, you can pay a certain instalment, then complete as you study. Talk to the college for a suitable payment plan or see what scholarships you can apply for as an international student.

A Research Assistantship is the opportunity provided by the university, for you to act as an assistant to a professor, on a research project assigned to said professor. As an RA you enjoy benefits like tuition waiver,  paying in-state tuition fees and earning additional money to support your living expenses through out your education.

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